
kai's organic nest

Since Kai will be spending most of his time in his crib, I wanted to make it as organic, and chemical-free as possible.
Sooo i opted out of buying dwell studio's automobile crib set. Though i really wanted it badly b/c it was such an eye-candy, i just couldn't get myself to buy something that wasn't organic. Although it's coloured w/ low impact dyes, the deal breaker for me was the bumper is filled w/ poly-cotton. Plus, I learned soon after (via Health Canada) that the crib bumper isn't recommended for safety purposes anyways. But for those parents who don't mind, i would recommend dwell studio for modern, stylish, baby products. Dwell also has an organic line.

Anyways, I instead got only the basics:
Mattress - organic cotton cover quilted w/ pure wool, natural rubber core (Sleeptek - Made in Canada)
Moisture pad - certified pure wool
(Sleeptek - Made in Canada)
Fitted crib sheet - Coyuchi's organic cotton percale

I will breathe easy (and so will he) knowing that he isn't surrounded w/ toxic chemicals.


happy happy joy joy

I had a hard time trying to choose a crib. so much so that we waited to order it last minute b/c i couldn't make up my mind. i kept going back and forth between the Oeuf and the Hiya crib. I love Oeuf's simple, clean lines, - it has truly become an iconic piece in furniture design in my opinion. now, what i love about the freshly hatched Hiya is its whimsical design, yet it's still very simple. but after much deliberation, i chose the Oeuf - just because it would take a lot more work to get the Hiya to Canada since it isn't available here yet (boooo). but if it were, i'd probobly still be trying to decide.

Both cribs are eco-friendly, using reclaimed and recycled MDF that's painted with non-toxic paint.

Anyways, we finished putting the crib together 2 days ago (after it was delivered late). it looks absolutely beautiful!


evie lala

One of my first purchases for Kai. I saw this and immediately fell in love.Too cute!

These reversible shoes are handcrafted in Australia and each pair is unique.
"Made with cotton, linen, denim, corduroy and designer fabrics."

i am sooo getting this one when he hits 6mths.

images via Evie Lala

oh so phresh

my first post - my first blog!

The purpose? To share cool finds that i've been discovering during my baby shopping/browsing (hence, style kai) which has been uber fun, and inspiring.
It's also to keep me sane during my mat leave as a designer;)
speaking of - 3 more weeks to go until Kai pops out!!! yaaay!